Ointments and gels for varicose veins, the difference between them

Varicose veins are a pathological process characterized by the expansion of the vessels transporting blood to the heart, their deformation, as well as the development of valve insufficiency with subsequent dysfunction. A clear sign of the disease are veins protruding to the surface of the skin, their tuberosity, the appearance of trophic ulcers.

But the main danger of varicose veins is blood stagnation and the development of thrombophlebitis, that is, disorders of the blood circulation process. For the full treatment of the disease, a set of measures is used, among which drug therapy and surgery are the most demanded and effective. In addition, ointments and gels for varicose veins are very often used as an auxiliary treatment, and we will talk about them.

Purpose and types of ointments for varicose veins

First of all, I would like to note that ointments and gels are used at all stages of the development of the disease and, depending on the period of application, are intended to provide a different effect:

effective ointments for the treatment of varicose veins
  1. At the initial stages of varicose veins, gels and ointments allow to restrain the progression of the pathological process, preventing vascular deformation and thinning of the vascular walls.
  2. In the later stages, the goal is also to keep the disease from progressing. However, in addition, topical products help to improve blood circulation, prevent serious congestion, and are also aimed at combating symptoms, including pain, swelling, cramps, changes in skin pigmentation and much more.
  3. In addition, the use of ointments and gels is often prescribed by doctors after surgical treatment of varicose veins. In this case, it is possible to achieve an acceleration of the rehabilitation period, healing not only of superficial tissues, but also of internal structures. In addition, depending on the properties of the drug, certain gels and ointments relieve possible swelling, reduce inflammation and stop other unpleasant effects caused by some types of surgery.

Among ointments and gels, there are drugs that are divided into several groups. The choice of medicine should be based on clinical signs, which may be as follows:

  1. Increased leg fatigue, painful sensations, feeling of tightness;
  2. Swollen veins (this symptom accompanies almost all stages of varicose veins, the severity of the symptom is important);
  3. Puffiness, their intensity;
  4. Convulsions, usually at night;
  5. Change in pigmentation of the skin, the skin may acquire a bluish tint.

It is also important to understand that the use of ointments or gels cannot cure varicose veins, but these remedies can really reduce the intensity of individual symptoms, somewhat improve the state of blood vessels and prevent the development of pathology.

In addition, before using any of the drugs described below, you must consult a phlebologist.


The drugs of this group form the basis of the medical treatment of varicose veins, they are prescribed both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments. These medicines are designed to improve blood circulation, which prevents stagnant processes. They increase the outflow of lymph and vascular tone, to some extent reduce the intensity of edema, and also eliminate the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.


Their main property is blood thinning, which is very important at certain stages of varicose veins, as well as in cases when the pathology proceeds against the background of an increase in the concentration of platelets in the blood. Due to the fact that the blood becomes less viscous, the process of its circulation through the vascular bed is facilitated, respectively, the blood circulation process is normalized and stagnant processes are eliminated. Also, anticoagulants prevent blood clots.

Taking into account the described properties, the drugs of this group help to reduce edema in the legs, eliminate pain by relieving congestion, and fight the feeling of constriction and fatigue. Also, anticoagulants prevent the development of complications such as thrombophlebitis or the formation of trophic ulcers.


anti-inflammatory gels for the treatment of varicose veins

A phlebologist, on the basis of the diagnostic data obtained, can prescribe local anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments or gels to a patient with varicose veins.

A striking example is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which effectively eliminate painful sensations, as well as have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointments based on natural ingredients

Such drugs are prescribed mainly in the initial stages of varicose veins, are used to treat pregnant women, or they replace the previously described drugs in order to take a break from the course of treatment.

The above is due to the fact that products based on natural, often plant components, act more sparingly. Moreover, they can be used on an ongoing basis, unlike drug groups that are used in a course, after which it is important to take a break.

The difference between ointments and gels

Essentially, medicated ointments and gels purchased at the pharmacy are similar medications. They are applied in the same way if these are drugs of the same group, have an identical therapeutic effect, moreover, they even contain the same chemical components.

As for the differences, they are few and far between:

  1. Ointments are made on the basis of fats, both vegetable and animal. It is also important to understand that the active ingredients in ointments do not completely dissolve, retaining their original chemical structure. Because of these features, the ointment must be rubbed into the skin more carefully and even after that it is necessary to wait from 5 to 15 minutes until it is completely absorbed, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be incomplete;
  2. A distinctive feature of gels is the fact that they are water-based, and the medicinal components in their composition are completely dissolved. Thanks to these factors, the gel is absorbed much faster.

As mentioned earlier, any medications, including ointments and gels for varicose veins for external use, should be prescribed by the attending physician.